Julianne Antrobus是一家名为PA咨询公司的专业服务公司的全球核电主管。他与其他许多IT行业观察家一样也认为,要解决日益增长的数据中心能源需求,至少一部分的答案在于核能。

Like many other IT industry observers Julianne Antrobus, global head of nuclear at professional services firm PA Consulting, believes that the answer to ever growing data center energy needs lies, at least in part, in nuclear power.
Julianne Antrobus是一家名为PA咨询公司的专业服务公司的全球核电主管。他与其他许多IT行业观察家一样也认为,要解决日益增长的数据中心能源需求,至少一部分的答案在于核能。
A nuclear-powered data center make sense from both a business and environmental perspective, Antrobus states. She notes that global data centers use more electricity than some countries. “It’s estimated that in 2020, data centers accounted for 1-2% of global energy demand.”
The rapid rise of data-hungry services, such as AI, will likely accelerate global data center energy consumption over the next several years. As enterprises increasingly commit themselves to reaching environmental, social, and governance (ESG) targets, such as achieving net-zero energy by 2050, they’re looking for practical ways to achieve their goals.
## **Power Sources**
Nuclear power makes sense from an environmental perspective, since it emits almost no local or global air pollution that increases climate risk, says Akshaya Jha, a professor of economics and public policy at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College.
美国卡内基梅隆大学海因茨学院的经济学和公共政策教授Akshaya Jha表示,从环境角度来看,核能是一种合理的选择,因为核能几乎不会排放增加气候风险的本地或全球空气污染物。
Still, in most cases, a data center’s power source is a local electric utility, which may or may not use nuclear power as well as fossil fuels and various renewable energy sources. “A data center consumes a certain amount of electricity,” notes Jha. “What really matters for its impact on emissions is that the power plant must increase its electricity output to satisfy demand.” Whether or not that power is green is a decision left in the hands of the utility.
然而在大多数情况下,数据中心用的电来自当地的电力公司,电力公司可能用也可能不用核能以及化石燃料及各种可再生能源。Jha指出,“一个数据中心会消耗一定量的电力。对于这个数据中心在排放方面的影响来说,真正重要的是发电厂必须增加其电力输出满足数据中心的需求。” 至于这种电力是不是绿色则是由公用事业部门来决定。
## **The Nuclear Option**
Nuclear power’s ability to supply a constant, low-carbon baseload power supply is what data centers need for continued operations, Antrobus says. “It’s also a long-term direct-power purchase that will give data center owners commercial assurance.”
Unlike solar and wind technologies, nuclear is one of the few forms of baseload carbon-free power available that can produce power 24/7, observes Eric Hoegger, director of power and energy at data center construction and management firm CyrusOne.
数据中心建设和管理公司CyrusOne的电力和能源总监Eric Hoegger提到,核电与太阳能和风能技术不同,核电是为数不多的可以24小时不间断发电的无碳基荷电力形式之一。
Given the fact that nuclear power is expensive and highly regulated, installing a reactor at a data center site is generally a time consuming and prohibitively expensive project. A possible solution lies in advanced Small Modular Nuclear (SMR) technology. According to the US Office of Nuclear Energy, advanced SMRs offer multiple advantages over conventional reactors, including relatively small physical footprints, location flexibility, a reduced capital investment, and provisions for incremental power add-ons.
Advanced SMRs also offer strong operational and security safeguards. Nevertheless, new regulations will be needed to deploy SMRs while maintaining the same safety protocols as large-scale utility plants, Hoegger says. “Unfortunately, in the US, we don’t have a good track record of deploying nuclear power on schedule and on budget,” he says. “New small-scale modular reactors open up new possibilities, but safety -- and the regulation that goes along with that safety -- needs to be first and foremost.”
A potential challenge for SMR technology will be gaining social acceptance, particularly in terms of where the reactors can be placed. “Today, commercial nuclear reactors are almost exclusively located in remote locations away from high population densities,” Antrobus observes. “The promise for smaller nuclear plants is that their safety characteristics will enable them to be located in less remote areas, and this is where public acceptance may be a challenge.”
## **Other Choices**
Alternative energy sources include other low-carbon technologies, but each has its own benefits and disadvantages. “Renewables, such as solar and wind, are intermittent and therefore require significant storage capacity to provide the constant baseload data centers need,” Antrobus explains.
Other technologies, such as carbon capture and storage, are often viewed as an option, but present their own challenges. Most carbon capture technologies aim to block at least 90% of the carbon dioxide inside smokestacks from reaching the atmosphere. But as the capture technology approaches 100% efficiency, it gets more expensive and takes more energy to capture smokestack carbon dioxide.
Nuclear power offers additional diversity to our power supply, Hoegger concludes. “Nuclear is really the only form of carbon-free power that’s not reliant on weather conditions.”