
富士通最新超级计算机系统将落户日本产业技术综合研究所(AIST)的 Kashiwa中心。该超级计算机系统将进一步协助工业界、政府和学术界进行AI(人工智能)的研究与开发。

Image: Fujitsu


Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Kashiwa Centre will be the home to Fujitsu's newest supercomputer system, which will be used to further assist in AI research and development by industry, government, and academia.

富士通最新超级计算机系统将落户日本产业技术综合研究所(AIST)的 Kashiwa中心。该超级计算机系统将进一步协助工业界、政府和学术界进行AI(人工智能)的研究与开发。

Dubbed as the "AI bridging green cloud infrastructure supercomputer", the new system will feature 120 4U Fujitsu Primergy GX2570 servers, 11.2 petabytes of storage, two 3rd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors, and eight NVIDIA A100 high-end GPUs, and is expected to reach a peak performance of 19.3 petaflops.

该超级计算机系统人称“AI桥接绿色云基础架构超级计算机”,拥有120个节点、11.2 PB的存储并有望达到19.3 PB的峰值性能。

This supercomputer will be used together with the AIST's existing Fujitsu- built AI bridging cloud infrastructure system (ABCI) that was launched in August 2018 and has since been used by the centre for AI processing by startup companies to general electrical appliance manufacturers.


"In response to rapidly increasing demand for AI R&D in industry, government, and academia, AIST will introduce a new AI bridging green cloud infrastructure system to bolster its existing ABCI, combining a high-performance computing system with a large-capacity storage system while following the basic structure of the ABCI," Fujitsu said.


Fujitsu added that it anticipates the system will be able to deliver theoretical peak performance of half-precision floating-point operations at 850 petaflops, as well as double-precision floating-point operations at 56.7 petaflops when its compute capacity is combined with ABCI.

富士通还补充表示,预计该系统的半精度浮点运算理论峰值性能将达到850 Petaflops,与ABCI结合使用时双精度浮点运算能力可达56.7 Petaflops。

"Fujitsu will continue to play a central role in contributing to the advancement of AI research and development in Japan through its involvement with the 'AI bridging green cloud infrastructure' project with the AIST, leveraging the knowledge acquired through the construction and operation of this system for new initiatives with a variety of stakeholders in industry, government, and academia," the Japanese conglomerate continued.

这家日本企业巨头还表示,“富士通与AIST参与‘ AI架桥绿色云架构设施’项目,致力为日本的 AI研发出力及扮演重要角色,富士通将利用在构建和运营该系统时所获取的知识为业界、政府和学术界的各种利益相关者再推出新的举措,”

The new supercomputer system is scheduled to be launched during fiscal 2021.


Just last week, Fujitsu announced that Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) [used its Fugaku supercomputer] to achieve cancer gene analysis in less than a day, instead of months.


Fugaku was jointly developed by Japanese scientific research institute RIKEN and Fujitsu, and has already been used by researchers in Japan for various matters, including [helping the country fight COVID-19].









